Titles & Blurbs : Secrets from the small print

Want to know how to create engaging copy?

“Game-changer! Practical insights for anyone who writes/sells online. I totally geeked out on doc and all the research and insights within it!” – Tom Cledwyn, MD of Infectious Generosity (TED)

Copy that sells
Copy that resonates
Copy that clicks

You need data.

Not some guru’s analysis of what’s worked for the brands they’ve worked for.

Not analysis of the few ads your company or client ran.

Quarter of a million ads. Analysed to show what works. And what doesn’t.

Take your copy from better to the best with the data and knowledge of what actually works.

Ever wondered why some ads are selling pretty much the same thing, use the same keywords and data tools, but they just seem to connect with their audience?

We have the data – and we’ll show you exactly what works – and what doesn’t.

How to write crowdfunding copy


You have about 200 characters. Which ones click?

“Game-changer! Practical insights for anyone who writes/sells online. I totally geeked out on doc and all the research and insights within it!” – Tom Cledwyn, MD of Infectious Generosity (TED)
Your headlines, your blurbs – they’re the gateway to the conversion. And it’s literally – your word against theirs. If you’re writing e-commerce listings, PPC ads, social headlines, crowdfunding campaigns or content for your clients – you need anything that gives you an edge. And we mean – anything. Because the tiniest things correlate with success, or failure.

35 linguistic & stylistic factors examined in real world data

We took just under a quarter of a million e-commerce listings and, after removing outliers and noise, looked at their success rate through the lens of 35 different tests.
  • What happens with an exclamation mark? Or two together? Or a bunch, sprinkled about?
  • What does negative or positive sentiment do?
  • What’s the effect of different parts of speech?
  • What happens when hyperbole is added?
  • What does future focused language do?
  • … and loads more

The Laws of Big Numbers

Each thing we tested, we looked at across the entire range of success of campaigns that used it. In many cases there is a clear correlation between “the thing” and success (or failure). Using standard analysis (all explained clearly in the document) we were able to validate our data for statistical significance. And there’s enough data tested that the results were very significant in places :)

Why do I need it?

One way or another, you’ve paid for someone to read your headline or blurb. Almost certainly – those two pieces of text are the key to the next step in their conversion journey. The more guesswork you can eliminate, the faster you can get through a tedious and expensive A/B testing routine.

Who is it for?

  • If you write copy that’s designed to attract clicks online – you will find value here.
  • If you’re a copywriter with clients or bosses to answer to – you will be armed with at least 35 data based tools to integrate with and back up your work
  • If you’re starting a crowdfunding campaign – you’ll understand the contribution each of these items has on first click
  • If you’re selling in ecommerce listings – you’ll learn what potentially draws clicks and what turns clickers off
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