Key Messaging

We write the words that define brands.

For when you can’t explain who you are and what you do, your website leaks leads, your elevator pitch finishes at the 8 millionth floor, and your sales team are embarrassed by their pitch deck.
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Can you answer: 

What is it you .

Key Messaging – the words that connect with customers, put you miles ahead in your industry, and allow your stakeholders to meaningfully answer “So what do you guys do?” The words that get you into baskets, heads, investor meetings, and offices with a view. These are the tricky words. We have a process to work it out with you – PRISM™
Key Messaging and positioning


The process to find your Key Messaging and keep your content bang on brand (without the guesswork).

Don’t guess when it comes to Key Messaging. Creative does not necessarily mean correct. To find those perfect words, the tricky words, you need data + process + creativity.

And that’s what PRISM is.

I love the way we were taken on the journey, not told what to say or do, but gently led even when we were probably wrong. We had an enjoyable experience, we learnt more about ourselves and now have a great brand guideline to help us share our message authentically.

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1 – Position – We dive in, understanding where your brand is now, and where it wants to be.

2 – Reference – Where do you fit into the market? What do your fans say? Competitors? Clients? The Team?

3 – Interpretation – We all put our thinking caps on to work out how everything fits (or should fit) together.

4 – Story – We distil all of that into the final Brand Story Guide, which contains everything you need for every word, everywhere.

5 – Messaging – The final piece. The elevator pitch. The Key Messages. The words that make everyone go “Oooh Yes!”

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(Key Messaging isn’t just for sloganisation)

Brand Story Guide example

Was there a formal process, ever, to define your Key Messaging?

It doesn’t often happen. This curious and tricky blend of positioning, marketing and messaging. Lots of companies have a Brand Visual Guide, some have a Brand Voice Guide, but the really smart ones have a Brand Story Guide.
If we asked everyone in your company what you did, why you do it and for whom you do it - would they all say the same thing and understand why they said it?
Just guessing here… 

If you didn’t exist tomorrow, what would your favourite client Google to get you?

If you’re running behind abstract descriptors thrown out by clever copywriters, you might be surprised. As much as they loved “change architects for the internet”, their clients all said “web designer”. 

If you collected a web page, an email signature, a pitch deck, a water cooler interview and laid them out side by side - would they all be bang on brand?

Look, they might have your tagline in. But Key Messaging goes soooo much deeper than that. It’s truly the tip of the messaging iceberg.

If you called in an agency or freelancer, could you give them a step by step guide along with a scoring mechanism to rate what they’ve done, Key Messaging-wise?

(With our Brand Story Guide in your toolbox you could!)

To invest in Key Messaging is to invest in all your communications with a toolkit to apply to every message you need to impress.

That’s every place you have a chance to make your brand stick in the mind of your audience: Every web page, report, email, pitch deck, video script, social post… the list is enormous.

But it’s tough to do on your own. Actually it’s horrible.

And that’s why people work with us. We’re not afraid to get stuck into heated discussions about the tiniest words and phrases, because in those differences lie the answer to the only question that matters: what do you do, why should I trust you and what’s in it for me?

Take our own descriptor as the tip of our communications iceberg. We spent hours, actually days, weighing up “to” or “that”. It’s a good story – call us and we’ll tell you!

Words that define brands we love

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