Content Migration

Speedy website content migration - when attention to detail matters.

Your brand new website is beautifully designed, the User Experience is perfect, and you’re ready to switch over. You don’t need a full website rewrite but it’s time to update your content, fit it into the new design, and move it to your new CMS.

You need: 

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Website content is often the last thing on the list when you create a new website. But it’s also the first thing your customer sees – and the thing that makes them fall in love with your brand. 

Our website content migration process ensures each piece of content is treated with the care and attention of the homepage. 

When your team don’t have the resource, or you need to get the job done quickly, you need our website content migration process. 

Key Messaging and positioning


The process to migrate your content to a new CMS or website – without the hitches and glitches.

Don’t leave your website content to chance. To make sure the migration is quick, accurate and effective, you need process + content experts + tech

And that’s what PORTAL is.

Arguably the biggest strength of Proof is the ability to produce content at scale, and in short timelines. However, the quality is also good. I've been really happy with all the work Proof have produced.

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1 – Prepare – Before we get started we collect all of the old content, designs, layouts and tech specs for each CMS, and make sure we understand what we’re missing.

2 – Organise – There can be millions of blocks of text, images, videos and other bits and bobs to move. We have a clever system to make sure we know what needs to go where.

3 – Research – We work closely with your product and marketing teams to fill in the gaps in our knowledge. 

4 – Transform – We put together the images, rewrite and re-structure copy where it’s needed, and write new sections from scratch. 

5 – Adapt – We get sign-off on the content and how it looks from your teams, editing and adapting the content where necessary. 

5 – Load – Using AI or humans – whichever is quickest – we upload all of the new content to your site, linking between pages, uploading images, updating meta data and ensuring everything is in the correct templates. 

Copywriting clients Proof Content
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(Content migrations take more than just 2-3 people)

Have you left your content migration till last, jeopardising your launch date?

It’s easy to assumed a website content migration can be done internally. But when you’re switching CMS, or restructuring the site, you need to gather potentially millions of pieces of content, edit, rewrite and reorder them, and then upload. It can take months. If you don’t have a process. 

Do you have hundreds - or thousands - of pages you need to migrate quickly?

We’ve managed content migration projects for some of the biggest brands – and largest websites – in the world. And because of our speedy process, each page is uploaded quickly, while being treated with the care and attention of the homepage.

Do you have an expert who understands APIs, AI, copywriting and various CMSs?

It’s hard to find someone who can do all four. That’s why we have a brilliant team at Proof Content – and we’re used to pooling our skills to get content switched over. 

Is your new website beautifully designed but missing great copy?

Beautiful design is brilliant. But without effective copy, it’s all style without the substance. You need intriguing headlines, compelling copy and clear offers to make your new website do the work. 

Is every single page treated with the care and attention of the homepage?

Or do you have a plan to migrate the main pages, and then aren’t sure what happens next? You need a process to make sure each page is treated carefully – it’s impossible to definitely know where your perfect customers will land. 

To invest in your content migration is to ensure you’re giving your new website the best chance of performing

That’s every place you have a chance to make your brand stick and turn your traffic into leads.

But it’s tough to do on your own. Actually it’s horrible.

And that’s why people work with us. We have a clear process that makes your migration speedy, effective, and hiccup-free. 

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