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Case Study:

Lido Advisors

  • $11bn+ assets managed
  • 23 years in business
  • 150+ employees

The Challenge

Like so many other industries, wealth management is dominated by several overused buzzwords. (For more on this, we’ve created an at-a-glance report that delves into wealth management’s overused words – drop us a line for the entire paper). As a little taste, let’s just say you’d be amazed at the number of “comprehensive”, “integrated”, “leading”, and “no.1” wealth management services available.

Lido was determined not to bleat to the same beat. They wanted to lean into what makes them unique, build brand awareness, and establish credibility in a market saturated with tired cliches. So, the lovely and talented This Place brought us in to lend a hand.

And, we had three weeks to do it.

"The copy was simply perfect. We barely even had to give any feedback."

The Solution

Compelling Key Messaging & story-led copywriting

Through our proven PRISM(™) framework, we helped the Lido team to reveal the key messaging that best captured their brand promise, service features, target audience, and unique differentiators. From there, we created the Lido brand story guide, a strategic narrative that sets the tone for all future written content.

Next up, the Lido team wanted to refresh the website to better align with their brand messaging. Using our CLEVER(™) website copywriting process, we rewrote the website to reinforce their key messaging, elevate their individuality, and encourage action in their target audience.

Lido Advisors copywriting agency
  • Lido wants to set standards, not meet them, for modern wealth management
  • On a first-name basis with all their clients
  • Against cookie-cutter solutions
  • Open to all viewpoints and suggestions
  • Trusted our expertise

What We Love About Lido

Lido has so much more to offer than wealth management. What started as a casual sharing of knowledge led to groundbreaking investment and tax strategies that have helped shape today’s wealth management industry.

The idea first formed when founder Greg Kushner gathered together leading advisors from LA’s wealthiest family offices to share insights about wealth protection, growth, and management.

Greg realised the knowledge, alternative investment strategies, and strategies applied by his community of family offices could be used to help ‘the millionaire next door’. And so, in 1999, Lido was born – a new form of wealth advisory with a unique family office style.

The Outcome

  • Brand Story Guide
  • Consistent Tone Across All Written Communications
  • Website Redesign
  • Story-Led, Data-Driven Copywriting
  • Accelerated Content Turn-Around Time

As a result, Lido created a strong brand story and voice that could be heard clearly above the empty noise of its competitors.

More Brand Story Guide results:

  • Shared language to use when talking about the company
  • Stronger company culture
  • Guide for executives’ thought leadership content and messaging
  • “Manual’ for the development of future targeted content

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