Case Study:

Experian B2B

  • FTSE100 company
  • 125 years of brand equity
  • 37 countries

The Challenge

How to make complex products easy to buy 

Experian sells serious data and products to serious companies. But that doesn’t mean their content needs to be serious, involve a PhD to read it well, and take hours to wade through.

They needed content that told customers exactly what they do, the benefits of their products and gave a little taster of exactly how they worked, in simple language that had a touch of personality.

Our wonderful partners at Tipi Group brought us in to create product pages that sing.

The Solution

Product copy with personality and a benefits-first approach 

We went deep into the world of data, and spent days researching and using Experian’s products, looking at market alternatives, and really understanding the pain points of their customers.

We created strong questionnaires to understand exactly what the in-house team loved about their products, and even more importantly, what their number one fan customers loved about them too.

Then we started writing. We distilled all of that complex information and the wonderful things their products do into simple, easy-to-read pages that upped conversions, brought in the SEO traffic and increased time on site.

Experian B2B copywriting agency
  • Leaders in their industry
  • A focus on using data for a better world
  • A strong culture across 37 countries
  • FTSE 100 company with an ambitious mindset
  • A complex product that’s challenging to make simple

What We Love About Experian B2B

Experian B2B is a FTSE 100 working to turn data into something meaningful and powerful. They help companies get to know their customers really well, understand the risk profiles of their target audience, and make qualified business decisions based on data.

They work with marketing teams and senior business leaders to attract customers, find the right prospects, segment and target marketing and sales campaigns.

With over 125 years of experience and 17,000 people across 37 countries, it’s tricky to create content in a unified Tone of Voice, that speaks to creative marketers and data people alike.

The Outcome

Experian B2B’s product pages sung louder and clearer than the alternatives.

They demonstrate a clear benefit-lead proposition, and clearly explain why customers need these products.

  • Easy to understand
  • Easy to implement
  • Create excitement around implementation
  • Clear benefits
  • Social proof, with testimonials and results around data

The project:

  • 300 powerful product pages
  • Increase in business and small business customers
  • Huge increase in SEO traffic

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